
Wearable Immersive Virtual Reality for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorder


Wildcard taget users are children with Neurodevelopmental Disorder (Autism, Intellectual Disability, ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Wildcard goal is to promote concentration and attention capabilities in an engaging and enternaining way. Attention is a pre-requisite for learning processes and social autonomy.

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Wildcard offers a set of immersive virtual reality experiences leveraging a low-cost VR viewer and common smartphones. Moreover Wildcard provides a platform to create gaming activities aiming at supporting existing therapies for children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Each activity is characterized by its graphical aspect which defines the game theme and the experience, These factors are parametric and can be set by therapists so the immersive virtual reality experience can be adapted to the child's specific needs.



Wildcard's Components

Cardboard 40%

40% Complete (success)

Google Cardboard is the viewer in which to pop the smartphone to enjoy the immersion accorded by virtual reality.


30% Complete (success)

The smartphone is the second essential component because it provides the screen on which the virtual world is represented.

Unity 3D 20%

20% Complete (success)

Unity 3D is the cross-platform game engine used to develop the therapeutic games that can be downloaded on smartphones.

Web 10%

10% Complete (success)

It is possible to decide themes, images and general actions characterizing the game thanks to a web platform compatible with main browsers.


Immersive virtual reality experiences are based on 3 books children are familiar with.

How it works

Exploratory Study

Study performed in collaboration with L'abilità Onlus.


20% Complete (success)

In this step children play with cardboard visors they made as an exercise. In this way they will accept more easily the real viewer for the VR experience.


60% Complete (success)

In the study children take part to one session per week and play the games they prefer.


20% Complete (success)

In the validation children are asked about tehir experience as a feedback for therapists.

Some Feedbacks


  • Via Ponzio, 34, 20133 Milano
  • Phone: +39 02 23 99 96 26
  • Fax: +39 02 23 99 96 28
  • Email: i3lab-deib@polimi.it
  • i3lab.polimi.it